Full Moon Tree Opalite Rainbow Moonstone with Pink Tourmaline and Garnet Gemstone Accents

Silver Full Moon Tree of Life Pendant with Opalite Rainbow Moonstone “moon” behind copper bare tree branches and accented with pink tourmaline and garnet rondelle gemstones.

 Full Moon Tree Opalite Rainbow Moonstone Pink Tourmaline Garnet Gemstone Accents in Silver and Copper Wire Wrapped

The Tree of Life is a concept that’s been featured in myth, story and legend literally all around the world. Since ancient times, people have used variations on the theme. Connecting all things – the realms of the spirit, the physical, the Divine and the mundane – the roots of the Tree and the branches touch all things and bring them together in harmony.

This pendant is handmade using painstaking wire-wrapping techniques. Tarnish resistant, sterling silver plated wire (made in the USA) encircles the pendant, and then tarnish-resistant copper wire is used as the roots, trunk and branches of the tree. This tree is nearly bare of leaves like one would see in Winter and features a large, rainbow moonstone “full moon” behind the branches. Scattered in the branches are pink tourmaline and garnet gemstone rondelles.

Opalite – also known as “sea opal” – is a rainbow moonstone simulant. It’s a manmade gemstone with the look of an opal or a rainbow moonstone. It’s a milky white color with extremely beautiful luminous glow ranging from blues (like a moonstone) to an orange type color (like an opal.) You can get perfect form and significant size from opalite, where it’s simply not possible to obtain in a natural stone. It also has the added value of being a more affordable option with all the beautiful look and appeal of moonstone.

Tourmaline comes in a wide variety of colors. For this pendant, I’ve hand selected all soft pink stones. Tourmaline is said to stimulate of creativity. It is also used to attract money and success in business.

Garnet is a natural, semi-precious gemstone associated with the planet Mars, the zodiac sign of Aquarius and the birthstone of the month of January. Considered the stone of good luck in business, it’s also said to increase your self-esteem when worn as jewelry. It’s also the stone associated with the first chakra (base of the spine.) It’s rich, deep and intense color is unique and beautiful.

The pendant measures approximately 1.5″ in diameter not including bail.

Available for purchase here.

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